Monday, 29 June 2015

Waterloo 2015`

Every year we have a large game. This year was no different and of course we did Waterloo!  4 of us have been painting like idiots for the last six months......................but we got there!

It was an allied victory and hopefully I'll tell all some time this week but here's some pictures of our little battle.  Figures are from teh collections of Jeff Bridoux, William De Pretre, Daryl Smith, and infamous Matt Fletcher, Mark Warner and my good self.

No cucumber or tomato plants were hurt in the making of this battle although we did piss the cat off no end.



  1. Beautiful armies and pictures, love your command stand...nice report!

  2. awesome looking game, the table must be groaning under all that weight!

  3. Lovely to see so many lovely troops on the table, what rules did you guys use Rodger?

  4. Wonderful looking game Rodger!

  5. Splendid photos. Great looking game!

  6. Terrific looking game Rodger! Lovely to see.

  7. Fantastic looking game - hordes of glorious looking figures in a sunny great gaming room - and you pissed off the cat! Sounds like a wonderful day's gaming. Looking forward to seeing your first Badeners too!

  8. Hi Roger, that game looks great. I need to get 'painting like idiots', so to speak, or my lead-piles with remain forever that. I'm working alone though, so it might be more like six years than six months. At my current rate it'll be more like 60! Regards, Sebastian
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  9. Good looking table Roger
    Has the cat recovered its composure?

  10. Fanatastic... really hope to be back in the job soonish... hopefully I can then follow your invitation and come to one of your big games!
