Thursday 26 January 2012

Front Rank Bavarians

 Front Rank Bavarians painted as a commission last year.
 Bit too over fed for my tastes but nice figures all the same.
 These arent display shots but rather ones sent to the client for him to check over
 He was very pleased with the figures although we did have issues with DHL / US customs....

 Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The best laid plans of mice and men.................

Well, 2011 was a massive year for painting for me.  I completed 5 very large commissions (over 2,000 figures in total) as well as painting quite a bit for me.  One of my regular clients (who I am completing some work for as we speak ) reckons I am getting better!  Seeing as I am charging him the same he is getting some value there.

The pictures arent very good, with very poor lighting but I think you get the drift.

 Naples Chasseur trumpeter now in Texas.
 Naples general
 Front Rank Polish fusilieer - an experiment really to see if I could still paint the Foundry way.
 French light infantry for a client
 6 x 36 battalions of them!
 Same client's Russians.
One thing that is going really well, and I hope to have painted figures up soon, are my Poles that Paul Hicks has sculpted for me. These should be available for sale Mid Feb as I want some painted for me first!  A reminder of what they look like:

And on a final note this wargaming malarkey is rather contagious isnt it?  From not being interested at all four or five of us (inlcuding Ken, Simon - Big Red Bat - Miller, Will "The Belgian" ) are planning a quasi refight of Borodino at Chez Blaireau end of March. So, if you live near Edwalton in Nottingham pop along and throw some dice!  If you are competitive, tee-total and gamesy however the offer is withdrawn as there will drinking, eating, cigar chomping, cat spoiling (my cat has Ken trained to open doors at her whim) as well as some very bad jokes.