Murawski Miniatures will be represented by Empress Miniatures at Salute 2014.
Their stand will be located at: TA23.
As well as carrying the Poles they'll also have their ranges of superb ECW, Colonial, Modern and new WW1 ranges etc. Be sure to pop along and say hello!
The Murawski Miniatures Poles are also available from Empress via their website as well as from my goodself.
Got some new pictures of the Vistula Legion. Firstly painted by the talented Farncesco Thau:
And then the not so talented me!!!
Hope you like the pictures.
British Auxiliary Legion / Isabelino mounted officers
These are mounted officer figures from two Perry First Carlist War packs -
two are from pack ISA37 (British Auxiliary Legion staff) and the third, on
1 hour ago