Tuesday 24 September 2013

More pictures of GDW Poles and first Austrian wargames show

 The following pictures of Grand Duchy of Warsaw Poles were painted by my good Friend Juan Carlos from Madrid.
 I hope you agree he can paint a bit!  Nice to see you get arrogant aristocratic fops in the Polish army, and not just the British who suffered from inbreeding - see below!

Continuing my Pan-European theme, my friend Nico Toperczer from Vienna tells me he is organising a wargames show in Vienna on 19th October.  Details can be found here:


Hope you like the pictures and if you fancy some wargaming with your cakes and Strauss have a waltz down the blue Danube or blow your own magic flute to some Mozart.........................

Monday 16 September 2013

Foundry Russians

 I didnt thinnk I'd done much painting especially given that I literally didnt pick a brush up for the whole of July, but I realised I have painted, since May, 6 x 30 figure infantry battalions, and 3 cavalry regiments.
 The cavalry consists of Cossacks, Hussars and Horse Jaegars.
 All figures are Foundry.
 Not my best paint job I must admit.
 And the photography is frankly appalling.
 These dont look too bad though and I think I did a good job on the trumpeter.
 The Horse jaegers actually made it to Leipzig but the Hussars, Cossacks, and an infantry regiment have only been finished quite recently.

 The full light cavalry brigade below.
 Combined grenadier battaltion
 Jaegers below
 The new infantry regiment.

 Hope you like the pictures.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Stefano's Grand Duchy of Warsaw Poles

 For only the second time ever I am giving blog space to someone else's pictures.
 These were sent to me by my good friend, and regular customer, Stefano Scordamaglia from Italy.
 I think he's done a superb job with the Poles.  Better than my humble efforts!
 The figures featured are of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw 1st regiment in full dress.
They are of course available, unpainted I'm afraid, from: www.murawskiminiatures.com