Tuesday 24 September 2013

More pictures of GDW Poles and first Austrian wargames show

 The following pictures of Grand Duchy of Warsaw Poles were painted by my good Friend Juan Carlos from Madrid.
 I hope you agree he can paint a bit!  Nice to see you get arrogant aristocratic fops in the Polish army, and not just the British who suffered from inbreeding - see below!

Continuing my Pan-European theme, my friend Nico Toperczer from Vienna tells me he is organising a wargames show in Vienna on 19th October.  Details can be found here:


Hope you like the pictures and if you fancy some wargaming with your cakes and Strauss have a waltz down the blue Danube or blow your own magic flute to some Mozart.........................


  1. Beautiful work, really impressive!

  2. Outstanding!!! Would love to know what blues he uses.

  3. It's always a pleasure to see his work.

  4. lovely work! really like the blue

  5. These look like 120mm sculptures not 28mm wargaming figures. Amazing detail! You're a meister painter.

  6. Beautiful figures. Forget the blues: I want to know about his flesh tones!

  7. Yeah the flesh is amazing! However there is no way I stand a chance to come close to this mans skill in face and hands. The blues I could take a Stab at enriching my French and Poles with.

  8. I asked JC some of your questions and these are his answers:
    Vallejo and Andrea Color.

    Flesh: Burnt Siena for the base, lights with Orange Brown (981) and Flat Flesh (955). I never use the last one pure. I add washes very diluted Crimson (Andrea NAC-31) for the cheeks, and very, very diluted washes of US Bluegrey Pale (904) for the beard shadow.

    Blue: It’s easy. I use the Andrea Blue Paint set, but I just use 4 of the 6 cans; 6 colors are too much for a 28mm figure. I use the “2nd shadow” for the base, the base color for the my first light, the “2nd light” for my second light, and a mix of the “2nd and the 3rd light” for the final light. The final light pretty diluted.

    Red: Very easy too. Andrea Red Napoleonic Red (NAC-34) mixed with black for the base. Lights with NAC-34 (quite diluted at first, more dense later). And finally a mix of Scarlet (817) and NAC-34 for a few touches of light.

    Hope its of use to you all.

  9. Lovely paint work of really interesting figures.

  10. If you are applying your tan yourself, read the label and take advice from the manufacturer. Prepare your skin properly. If you are going to a salon, call them up before-hand and get some information.

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