Thursday 5 April 2012

Heroic Poles and commands

 We recently had a Borodinesue battle at Chez Blaireau featuring 2,000+ figures. The players were moi, Ken P, Big Red Bat, and Will "the cabbage" De Pretre. And Puss.............
 The Russians won but BRB is covering the battle on his blog but I wanted to show some pictures of my Perry Russian command.
 Perry's - lovely to paint, f*cking horrible to preoare.
 I love this shot Simon took of Ney!
 Napoleon et boys.
 Kutusov (Ken?) is p*ssed and Bagration (RTB obviously) looks dashing.
 The only French unit that performed well was the Poles!  They very nearly swung the battle on their own! Note the inpet Bavarian light infantry..................
 1st and 2nd battalion of the 5th regiment.
 Below are some very old Foundry French line infantry painted by me. I think they may be the first I ever painted actually.  I dont think they ever made it to the front line!


  1. Roger - the boys look marvelous! Definitely ordering some skirmishers off you next time. I liked your Russian command stand too. Urrah! Looks like a cracker of a battle - post more please (and an AAR?) Great stuff!


  2. Top notch photos! Excellent stuff.

  3. Great looking troops and I love the command stands. It looks like it was a great game. I like the big command stands, I still have my British to convert (bit of a challenge because the lack of appropriate figures).


  4. Excellent pics and great painting! Well done Rog.

  5. Lovely mass there, and some really nice vignettes on the bases.

  6. Beautiful game. I really like the command and skirmishing stands. Well done!

  7. what a stunning collection Roger and your Poles look superb!!!
    Best regards

  8. I must repeat what was said: those figs are really amazing, command stand of course...and the photos, also, are great!
    I'll come back, a wonderful work!

  9. I came here via the link from Grossbeeren 1813. This is some bloody brilliant painting here. Nice table too.

  10. You are all too kind.
    It should be noted that Ken and I were rather ratted by about 4pm as we took our Russian roles to heart............Simon and Will hardly drank.............

  11. I was still recovering from the night before the battle!
