Monday 17 May 2010

Recent work

I've been busy! This is my commander of French light cavalry - Foundry Guard Chasseur officer.
Foundry Bavarian cavalry completes my Bavarians.

Foundry Hussar officer painted up as a senior cavalry officer.

H eis old and grumpy just like me!

Not sure I did the Tigger skin very well.

Foundry hussars

The complete unit.

Another view.

Bavarian officer.

The full unit.
Hope you like them. Will post some more pic's later this week.


  1. Very nice Roger. Hussars look great, and I love that senior cavalry officer's horse.

  2. SOme really nice look figures there you must be happy with the way things are coming along like the Hussars they look great

  3. Very nice work; inspirational - just what I needed to motivate me to start on a box of Perry Hussars soon. Dean
