I've jsut finished painting and basing my Vistula Legion figures. The figures below show the 1st battalion, of the first regiment, painting they probably looked at Leipzig (we are dealing with Napoleonic Poles here............) so they are in a campaign uniform, with grenadiers in czapka.
Battalion in line.
Grenadier company.
Fusiliers with officer
Mounted colonel
The 3 different fusiliers available
Other officer - yelling orders to the skirmisher screen
Voltiguers with cornet player
Casualty on left
"Republican" flag
Skirmisher taking aim
All 3 based
Other angle for the sharpshooter
Full battalion deployed
Detail of the command stand with mounted officer, standard bearer and sapeur.
Hope you like the pictures.
The figures, unpainted, are available from my good self. Please dont hesitate to contact me at:
7TV - WW2 (1)
7TV as a system breaks down into "genres", each of which have their own
sub-rules and terminology. These genres are currently undergoing a bit of
a reva...
1 month ago