Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Eureka Pictures of Grand Duchy of Warsaw Poles

Nic Robson, the authorised dealer for Murawski Miniatures in Australia, ( www.eurekamin.com) sent me the above pictures of the Poles that are now on the Eureka website. Wow!  Who would have thought black and white could be so powerful?
Many thanks to Nic and hopefully I'll get these on the website soon. I will post in the coming days pictures of the cavalry and artillery as well.
If you'd like more information concerning the Poles then please dont hesitate to contact me: roger(dot)murrow(at)mmc2100.co.uk

Friday, 19 July 2013

Vistula legion, GDW firing line and some casualties

 The latest additions to the range of Poles will soon be available!
 First up are GDW and Vistula legion casualties
 A vistula legion colonel - yes, the uniform is correct.

 Couple more casualties for those requiring markers

 Vistula legion grenadiers (1810-12) or Voltiguers (1810-14)

 Grand Duchy of Warsaw firing line

 Vistula legion officers

 Drummer and cornet player

 Standard bearer, sapeur and seargeant

 Grenadiers for 1813-14
 Voltiguer skirmishers
 Rear view of the grenadiers
 Les grunts - Vistula legion 1810-14
Rear view of skirmishers

Figures arent available yet but watch this space......................

Friday, 5 July 2013

2nd day of Leipzig in 28mm...................sort of................................

 Well, basically an excuse to meet up with old friends (and Jeff), drink a lot, and have some fun.  The game was (very loosely based on the French counter attack on the 2nd day of Leipzig (I own a lot of French cavalry) and sort of made to fit the toys we had available. The first picture above shows the Prussian contingent of the Army of the North deployed and ready to kick French bottom.
 The plucky Poles (TM), get stuck into the Russkies.  I dont know what it is about the Poles but they always perform amazingly.
 The allied part of the Polish division - all Victrix.
 Huge Russian battery that although looks scary, was actually out shot by the Poles.
 Panorama of the battle early on.
 Poles going Russkie hunting.
 My new unit of Horse Jaegars which were completed 12 hours before the battle..............
 Likewise my Jaegers.
 Prussian cavalry - Foundry and Perry
 More Poles! Hard to believe there were only 4 battalions of them.
 Another view of the Prussians
 The French Cuirassier division on the move
 The incredibly ineffectual French foot artillery
 Victrix Austrians: painting by me, modelling by Will le Belge
 I painted 250 odd Austrians for the battle in less than 6 weeks......................
 I do like these Perry sculpts
 I do like the Foundry generals though - note Perry horse shrinkage as the two ADC's are ok on the same stand
 More Austrians..........................
 And more.................................Daryl's uhlans in the back ground
 Austrian Foundry general - I like him.
 The French counter-counter attack begins as Jeff has now realised that he is a plonker and whilst everyone else has been moving in inches he has been in centimetres..........................
 Look!  More Poles!
 We had events cards to make the game more fun: one of them was - "Blucher is bored and pissed; puts himself at the head of the nearest brigade and advances for 3 moves." It sort of backfired though as this was exactly what the allied player wanted to do......................
 Prussian horse artillery finally deploys...................
 The Austrian juggernaut......................
 Allied cavalry pins French infantry into squares
 Even more Austrians
 The Prussian line
 G de D Poniatowski and staff
 Another event card was Napoleon takes command +1 to all French morale. This coincided with the French fight back
 The allied defensive line at teh end of game looking rather secure although they are about to be charged (suicidally) by Polish and Saxon cavalry
 Polish lancers on the hunt
French Curiassiers and allied cavalry clash.

Excellent weekend. Good to see the boys even if GF and le Chat werent too impressed.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.