I did a few favours for a professional photographer work wise and in payment she took some pictures of my furry goddess; she who must be obeyed. Her name is Little'Un, but only answers to "your majesty", or at a push "Puss-Puss".
Hardly original I know but based on years experience I now reckon you either get cats or you dont.
I find them absolutely hilarious, and Puss-Puss is a joy to live with.
7TV - WW2 (1)
7TV as a system breaks down into "genres", each of which have their own
sub-rules and terminology. These genres are currently undergoing a bit of
a reva...
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...