Added to my last tally a couple of months ago we can add the following:
36 Victrix Italians using white undercoat and a nasty accident using vallejo matt varnish. Sob. 8 friggin hours of inking and lining to deal with the worst effects of the varnish but their beauty is still marred!
15 Foundry casualties using the Army Painter stuff as an experiment.
64 Foundry Bavarians that are now safely on their way to Canada.
2 Hovels buildings.
On the whole not a bad total as I dont paint that much and have hardly done any at the weekends.
At the moment am working on some foundry Bavarians por moi, and then back to some more Bavarians for some Canadian meglomaniac.
British Auxiliary Legion / Isabelino mounted officers
These are mounted officer figures from two Perry First Carlist War packs -
two are from pack ISA37 (British Auxiliary Legion staff) and the third, on
3 weeks ago